Sweet Monday

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Self-Care During Pregnancy

It's been a little while since I last updated on my pregnancy journey. The last post being my second trimester. I'm now 30 weeks pregnant and fully immersed in a number of baby books. My favourites so far being How to Grow a Baby and Push it Out by Clemmie Hooper, and Your Baby, Your Birth by Hollie de Cruz. The latter is centred around hypnobirthing skills, which is something I want to explore ahead of our birth. But I've found Clemmie's book particularly helpful in understand what to expect week by week, througout pregnancy.

I'm now nearing the end of the book and have read a number of snippets about self-care during pregnancy. I've personally found that I'm much more comfortable with my body and growing bump in my third trimester, but I've become tired again and more sluggish at times.

It's to be expected as the baby gets bigger, but it's made me realise I need to slow down a bit, and take more time for myself. I try to go to bed earlier, and read before falling asleep (as opposed to scrolling through Instagram). I've also been taking better care of my diet again, with plenty of  fruit and vegetables. My diet has always been fairly good, but I have to admit it slipped during my second trimester, when I was craving full fat coke and ALL the chips.

As I get closer to the start of my maternity leave, I've begun to consider spa days for mum's to be and treatments suitable during pregnancy. Whilst there are certain elements of a spa you can't use whilst you're pregnant, most thereapists should be assist you in what treatments are suitable. The include pregnancy massage which can really help relieve some of the tensions and aches you might be experiencing. I've booked in for a pedicure in a couple of weeks, and am considering a manicure or perhaps a massage just before I'm due.

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Who knows when you'll be able to treat yourself once the baby has arrived, so now is the time to book that spontaneous treatment, and take care of yourself. Plus a spa day would be a lovely way to spend some of that free time, between finishing work and waiting for baby to arrive.

*This is a collaborative post with Champneys Spa