A look back at 2014
JanuaryJanuary saw us take the 24 hour flight half way around the world to start our year long adventure down under.February
In February I tagged along with some friends to the epic evening that was White Night on the streets of Melbourne. Melbourne is often voted the best city in the World to live in and we couldn't agree more from our experience. There's not a huge amount to do for tourists if you're thinking of holidaying there but living there was great fun.March
Speaking of fun, Melbourne's best asset is it's array of incredible restaurants, cafes and bars. It seems in March we got a little greedy and ate out a lot. From left to right Misschu, Movida, Meatballs and Wine Bar, N2 Extreme Gelato.April
To celebrate both mine and Stew's birthday's being in April we spent our parents gift of money on a trip along the Great Ocean Road where we got to meet this little fella. Possibly the best trip of my life.May
Looking back we didn't seem to do too much sightseeing in May, instead it was a time for lots of outfit posts. Meaning I went a little spend crazy treating myself to lots of new bits from some of my favourite Melbourne boutiques.June
Back in June we had a day out visiting the set of the classic Aussie soap Neighbours, including a trip to the real life Ramsay St.July
July we moved up the coast to Sydney and we couldn't have been happier. As much as we loved Melbourne I think we both enjoyed living in Sydney just a little bit more. They're very different cities and hard to compare but there's just something about Sydney! Seeing sights like the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge are views you will never get used to. And with the city skyline set behind the beautiful botanical gardens with the crystal clear harbour in front - breathtaking.August

In August Becca stopped off for a visit on her way home from New Zealand. It was so nice to see a friendly face from home half way through our time away :)September
September was possibly the happiest month of the year when my parents came out to visit us for two magical weeks. It was so great to see them after almost 9 months of being apart and it was so much fun to do all the touristy things with them again. Can't wait to be reunited in March!October
We took a day trip to the Blue Mountains in October with a bunch of friends. Just outside Sydney this vast mountain range reminded me of similar in America. It was hard to believe we were so close to the city. A must see if you visit Sydney!November
In November we rented a villa in the Hunter Valley with our best friends in Sydney. Cycling around the vineyards, trying copious amounts of wine and tasting plenty of cheese ticked off another sight of Sydney and New South Wales that we wanted to see before we left.December
And finally December, Christmas, open fires, snow, Christmas jumpers... not this year! We spent the day in true Aussie style on the beach, soaking up the rays, dipping our feet in the sea and putting a shrimp on the barbie. We couldn't have hoped for a better day with great friends, friends we've made who we know we'll stay in touch with when we're back home :)It really has been a magical year! I can't quite believe that we actually did it, and how fast it's all gone. I remember saying tearful goodbyes to friends thinking a year was a life time. But it's flown by! Going from never seeing Stew to suddenly being in a relationship with him and living together was a big step, especially so far away from home, friends and family. But luckily it worked perfectly and we couldn't be happier together (sorry for being so soppy). And it's not quite over... We now have 3 weeks in Japan to look forward to, another 3 in China, a few days in Hong Kong and a couple of nights in Paris before finally touching back down on English soil. A fantastic way to start 2015!