Finally getting around to posting about last Friday when my friend and I went to Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model Live at the London Excel. I won tickets courtesy of Rachel and couldn't believe my luck when I did.It was a really great day, lots of fun catching a million tubes to and from the Excel centre and I spent a small fortune. The event was full of great vintage stalls, where I spent about £70 on a lovely shirt, christmas jumper, bits and pieces for halloween, hair products! I could've spent far more too, there was a great stall called Strawberry Kats where I picked up the shirt and could've bought the whole stand to be honest. There's a photo coming up of all my buys :)The catwalk itself was great too, very energetic with lots of hunky men dancing non stop while the models walked in between. Sadly this year I didn't catch much of the show so I didn't really know who was who but it was still fun to watch!Please excuse the poor quality of photo's, all of them were taken on my iPhone!

We received a free diet coke with this great design on, there's three to collect and this one remains up opened on a shelf in my room. It's so pretty! After 4 hours of shopping we grabbed some food in the Excel where there were loads of different options. We spotted a roast and couldn't resist. My friend had the one pictured above...roast beef with all the trimmings squashed into a massive baguette. And I went for the classic pork, stuffing, crackling and apple sauce! Yum!
As we were leaving the event we spotted a large group of girls swarming around Amy Child's stand, so we went to have a cheeky look and then Amy herself walked right in front of me! I was a little late with the camera, but here's the back of her head ;)
And finally here's what a I bought and my outfit for the day :) I picked up two cute bracelets too, one was very fitting with my Halloween costume, coudn't resist buying it when I spotted it!
I opted for my new red jeans and a plain top, and stitched my H&M fur stole on to my leopard jacket to create something different. I was worried I looked a little pimpish haha.