DIY Shirt Collar

I'd been thinking for a while of studding a shirt collar, which I still will do, but the other day I came across Lily wearing a gorgeous outfit that including a lovely shirt by My Yard. It had beautiful detailing on the collar, of beads/sequins and I thought this would be so easy to recreate?! So yesterday I bought some beads from a craft shop and spent the afternoon sewing them on and wore this shirt out last night for a Christmas meal! It's the easiest way to spruce up an existing shirt/blouse. The beads cost me Β£1, they're actually two different sizes, one a pearl colour and the other a pale pink but these photos don't really do it justice. I was careful to try and sew in between the material so you don't see lots of thread on the underneath of the collar :) 
And the beauty of this DIY is that you can always add more to it of bigger beads, sequins, jewels etc! 
I'm now off work for Christmas so expect some more DIY's to come!

Christmas Cards & Cookies


DIY Velvet & Lace Shorts